I want you to get the support you deserve.

Professional Counselling for Men

We’ve all been there at some point in life: the same patterns over and over again — you know what I’m talking about …stuck in a rut you feel like you can’t get out of. I’m here to tell you there is a way out, and — it’s going to take time, though — you can get there, and you can become truly free.


Counselling Services

Practical, no fluff, get to the heart of the matter and address the root causes. My approach is fully aligned with traditional religious morality and beliefs.

About Dr. Mikael

Dr. Mikael Thompson is a professional counsellor and doctor of psychology, helping men regain ownership over their own lives. Dr. Thompson has been featured in various media channels and publications, including the video series Into the Breach (2018). (See where he has been featured here.)

He served as president of the Virtuous Leadership Institute for North America and also as a member of the board of directors (2016-2022), he has pioneered ground-breaking research in human formation, and is an assistant professor English Philology at Vistula University (Poland).

Dr. Thompson is also co-author of the Daily Structured Journal: A 30 Day Journey to a Better You; and the author of Rules for Gentlemen: A Code of Chivalry, among other books and articles.

Organizations That’ve Used My Services

Counselling Rates

Freedom from Pornography

Individual Counselling to help men overcome pornography through a skills-based methodology aimed at the underlying causes behind the habit. All sessions take place securely online, confidentially from the privacy of your home.

50 mins | $75 / €75 per session | Learn more.

Purpose & Meaning Counselling

Individual counselling following the model of Victor Frankl’s logotherapy and narrative psychology to help you make sense of your story—who you really are at your core, how you got here, and where you’re going—with this transformative program of discovery and self-knowledge to lead you into true freedom. You will develop a deep sense of meaning and personal purpose for your life and confidence navigate life with confidence. All sessions take place securely online, confidentially from the privacy of your home.

50 mins | $95 / €95 per session | Learn more.

Get started today.